Sunday School 9:30am
Worship 10:45am

Home Baptism



What is the meaning of baptism?

Matthew 28:16-20 and Romans 6:3-4
Baptism is not necessary for salvation, but it is still important because Christ commands it.  Baptism is a symbol of the spiritual change the God has worked in our lives.  In baptism we symbolically express that we have died with Christ, putting an end to our old way of life, and have risen with Christ to begin a new life in which we follow Him as our Master.  

Understanding the eternal significance of a personal relationship with God
Revelation 20:11-15
Every one of us will one day stand before God.  The only thing that will matter in that moment is whether or not we belong to Christ.  Being baptized, being a member of a church, or even living a good life will not save us.  Ultimately it depends on the work of God in your life and your response to Him.

Understanding the gospel
1 Corinthians 15:1-6 and Romans 3:23 and 6:23
Do you believe that Christ paid the death penalty for your sin? Are you right now trusting in Christ alone for your salvation?

Understanding grace
Ephesians 2:8-10
Grace refers to God gifting us with something we did not deserve. We don’t earn salvation by following a list of rules, doing religious activities or trying to be a good person. Rather, through what Christ has done on our behalf, God freely grants us the forgiveness of our sins and accepts us into heaven. We need only to receive this gift.

Is there evidence of new life?
2 Corinthians 5:17 & 5:9 and 1 Thessalonians 4:1
When we call on Christ for the forgiveness of our sins, not only do we have the promise of eternal life, but we also experience new spiritual life as we become a “new creature.” As a “new creature” our lives will start to change. We’ll never be perfect (and will continue to struggle daily against sin), but we will have a new desire to live in a way that pleases God. And that desire will increase more fully develop as you walk with Christ.

For parents of children considering baptism:
Is your child ready for to be baptized?
Read Deuteronomy 6:5-7
We believe that parents are primarily responsible for the spiritual nurture of their children, and are the ones best suited for determining whether their children are ready to be baptized. While we don’t set a certain age for baptism, our desire it that your child’s baptism will be an experience he will remember and cherish. We want individuals to look back on this experience knowing that it reflected a conscious and sincere resolve to follow Jesus Christ as Lord. The promises he is making in baptism should not be taken lightly; the older he is, the more likely he is to understand the significance of his baptism. For parents w/ younger children, we will take you through a series of questions to help you better comprehend if in fact your child is ready to make this public declaration of faith.